Imprint and Data Privacy
Note: in case of discrepancies between this translation and the German original, the German original is valid.
Erding Mallards e.V.
P.O. Box 11 19
85421 Erding
Tel.: 08122 – 8474478
Authorized Representatives:
Anders Lind
St Paul 34
85435 Erding
Prafulla Kadam
Starenweg 13
85356 Freising
Jeff Settles
Haagerstr. 21
85435 Erding
Register Court:
Local Court Erding with Registration Number: VR 110673
Responsible for the content according to § 55 section 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty:
Anders Lind
St Paul 34
85435 Erding
Notice of Liability:
Despite rigorous validation, we do now assume any responsibility for the content provided through external links. The responsibility for external content lies solely with the respective content provider.
Banner picture „Glove and ball“ used under license from iStock
Font Monotype Script™ Std Bold used under license from MyFonts
Font TeX Gyre Adventor used under license from Fontsquirrel